The intrigue in digital marketing is the fleeting nature of it all. It is supported by the notion that humans forget easy. New information and trends are emerging every waking moment. The platforms are filled with more cat and pimple popping videos than we thought acceptable in the past. We are bombarded by the intensity of the interests of 400 million humans everyday. How can we remember it all, how do we keep up.The intrigue in digital marketing is the fleeting nature of it all. It is supported by the notion that humans forget easy. New information and trends are emerging every waking moment. The platforms are filled with more cat and pimple popping videos than we thought acceptable in the past. We are bombarded by the intensity of the interests of 400 million humans everyday. How can we remember it all, how do we keep up.
We don’t. We can't keep up. We always forget.
In a space as fluid as this, marketers can't afford to take months to plan their big ideas. Trends can be crafted and executed in record time before the pillars we are based on no longer hold any clout with the audience.
It’s not just the audience that is swayed by the times, the technologies are changing at warp speed and we need to catch up. In the last few years, 3D technology evolved to demand gadgets that allow individual consumers experience Virtual Reality on a personal level. And so, VR Headsets were created, VR capabilities are being encoded into phones and more platforms are updating their code to accommodate this.
Since we cannot bank on the ability to foresee the newest technologies in creation, then we need to be easily adaptable and flexible enough to churn great work under digital pressures. The best part about it is that, our first ideas are more often than not, the best ideas. Digital could be our opportunity to turn the raw brilliance into engaging digital pieces.
Jason Silva says that, “Technology is how we turn our minds inside out”. If that’s so, given that technology is our media, we need to create communication that makes this transformation effortless. That makes it so subconscious that the audience experiences it as they do their skin. Raw brilliance leaves the audience in their own comfort zone but in a transformed space. The art of digital marketing is the ability to sway the audience in a subliminal way while impacting them majorly.